IQ OPTION-The Strategy Of Using The Indicator RSI

RSI stands for Relative Streght Index. That serves to gauge whether asset price advantages (over buy) buy or sell excess (over sell).

Why do we need to use the indicator RSI?
-Determine when we put a put or call
-Determine how strong the trend
-Important: the settings of RSI below is perfect for trading OTC (Saturday and Sunday only) for regular trading Monday-Friday are not suitable.

How do I use it?
1.Sign in to the Trading Platform IQ Option and select Graph Candles 

2.Select the time period 1 minute Chart

3.Select Relative Strength Index Indicator

Note the picture below to identify the line level Line Level 70%, 30% and RSI. There are 3 lines designated as the arrow in the picture below.
-The green line is the line level 70%
-The red line is the line level 30%
-The blue line is the line of RSI

How do I wear it?
 Call transaction or by

 Important: use the closing time 5 minutes
 Transactions in PUT or fall
 If RSI lines (blue) penetrates the line level 70% (color hujau) from top to bottom then immediately open transactions or Put down.

Important: use a clOverbuy (level indicator is above 70%) – the market moving above normal level and we hope it will soon fall back)osing time of 5 minutes.

 Oversell (level indicators are below 30%) – the market moves under the normal level and we hope it will soon rise again)

1. Use expirasi or closing time 5 minutes
2.Select the time period 1 minute chart

3. The longer the line the RSI is above 70% level line or below the line level is 30% then the signal will be more accurate. (for example: If the RSI is above 70% level line for 5 minutes or so then when the line moves down a line penetrates the RSI level of 70%, the resulting signal would be more accurate)
4.We recommend to you to combine with other indicators RSI to filter out the wrong signals.